Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Quirky Corner

Watch Your Step

Oakwood is another historic residential area that I enjoy exploring.  The houses here are well maintained compared to those off Blount Street. Historic Oakwood is located further away from the hustle and bustle of downtown Raleigh. It’s a place for a quaint stroll or bike ride and not to mention walking distance from Krispy Kreme. This particular home, located on a corner, was built in 1882 for Carey J. Hunter. The orientation of the home, facing the corner of the road instead of aligning parallel to the street, immediately drew me to the house.  A distinguished octagon-shaped tower with pointed roof immediately creates a hierarchy in the house. The tower seems to emerge from the second level, rising over there rest of the roof and giving a castle-like feel to the façade. 

Window Gallery
In addition to the tower, another distinguishing feature of the house is the variety of windows. Small oval windows, rectangular, square, and circular windows are carved out of the exterior walls of the second level. They appear as though they are jewels on a crown, adorning the walls.   A square stained glass window makes the transition from the tall tower to the back of the home with the pitched roof.   The shape of the square is then repeated in the petal windows beneath the pitched roof.  These small windows flank a false door that appears to be going out to the second floor balcony, emphasizing the imaginative quality of the home.  
Patriotic Porch

The main level of the house is dominated by the porch which embraces three sides of the house.  Double columns support the heavy cornice of the porch creating the illusion of structural strength and stability.  The ridging in the columns increases the verticality of the façade, however, this verticality is then balanced with the low porch railing.  Dark brick acts as the pedestal to the house as well as the wall to the street and side walk, making the house more private and secluded from the public realm.

Whimsical Wooden Threshold
Though the windows play key roles in the home’s ornamentation, the door takes center stage. The deep toned wood of the door contrasts with the ivory siding that covers the rest of the home.  Delicate carvings of swags and serpentine curves references to the design elements of the glass above it.  

From the top of fairytale-like tower to the eclectic collection of windows of the façade and finally the sturdy door that seals the interior, this corner provides an imaginative touch to Raleigh's Historic Oakwood.